Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Today is my parent's, Randy and Mary Jane James', 36th Anniversary. They were married in Selma, Indiana at the Christ United Methodist Church on July 27th, 1974. From what I'm told the church had no air conditioning and it was so hot inside that my Dad's best man (his older brother, Rick) passed out. But, they continued with the ceremony and here they are 36 years later and still going strong.

They are such an amazing couple. They are total opposites in almost all their interests, but they have made those differences work for them over the years. They have ministered together in countless churches all across the country and in Kenya too. There are people who love and care about them in more places than I can count.

They have been and still are the most amazing parents. They love my brother, Rick, and I unconditionally and without question. They taught us from as early as I can remember to follow Jesus and make Him first in our lives. Then they encouraged us to follow where the Lord leads us no matter how many miles it takes us from them. We are blessed beyond all measure to have Randy and Mary Jane James for our parents. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad! I love you so much and am so proud to be your daughter!

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