Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Perfect Vacation

It is interesting to me that Summer has such different meanings to different people. Most people look forward to Summer as a time of vacations and spending more time with family because there is no school keeping students and teachers occupied. It's a time of rest and rejuvenation as people enjoy the sunshine and pretty days.

Unless, of course, you are a Youth or Children's Pastor.  Then Summer is a marathon that you have to psych yourself up for.  Now, I'm not complaining.  There are lots of fun things that we get to plan in the summer that we couldn't do at other times of the year.  Things like Camp, Swim Parties, and Vacation Bible Schools are they type of events that make Summer exciting...but they also make summer busy.

On my District (The Indianapolis District) in the summer, I can expect: Teen Camp, Kids Camp, Vacation Bible School, District Assembly, District Missions Convention (and Kids Mission Day), Campmeeting and our other local church activities.  If I were on the Northeastern Indiana District (where I have some friends) there would be all of that, but they have 3 different Children's Camps over three weeks in the summer instead of just one.  Suffice it to say, for anyone who ministers to young people, summer is anything but a time of vacation. But as busy as it is, it's so fun to get to work with people that you only get to see on occasion at other times of the year.  We have some amazing Children's Pastors and Children's Ministry Directors on our District and I love getting to work with them.  It's always a time of great fun and lots of laughter.  I also got to meet and work with some great teenagers and that was a huge blessing as well.

However, now that the summer is nearly over, and the kids are going back to school soon, I can take a few days to relax and I am SO EXCITED!  I have just started a 4 day vacation and what are my plans, you ask?    Rest!  Lots of rest and the opportunity to catch up on those things that have had to take a backseat in recent days.  Cleaning and laundry have been in "only what's necessary" mode for the past few weeks.  Now I will get the opportunity to catch up. My family would probably tell you that I have never been much of a "clean freak."  And they would be right.  I don't mind a little clutter and I am awful about remembering to dust things.  I wish I had inherited the "I think cleaning is fun" gene that my Mom got, but sadly it must skip a generation.  So when I say that, even for me, my house is in a state of disarray...well, let's just say that this time off couldn't have come at a better time.  :-)  I HATE spiders, but there is one that has taken up residence in a doorway that I never use...and up to now, I just didn't have the energy to get rid of it.  Poor little spider...it's day has come!  To be fair, I have given it ample time to find another residence.

So, this is going to be a perfect vacation.  I'll clean, do laundry, get rid of the spider in the doorway, watch the Olympics, and hopefully read a book.  Then on Saturday, I'll jump back into the fray more renewed and excited about the great things ahead!  God is so good and it is so fantastic to watch Him work in the lives of young people.  Busy or not, I wouldn't trade my profession for anything in the world.  God called me to be a minister to young people and I am blessed to have the opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. Hope your plans come true for you, especially the rest, rest, rest part for I am sure you are ready for it. You have worked hard this summer.
