Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Garage Sale In My Future...

I've been trying to figure out how to write this blog for the past few days.  Sometimes, things happen and there are simply no words to express your feelings.  I have been having a few days like that recently.

This past Tuesday night, our church board met and because of some financial issues that are not improving, they decided to eliminate my position at the church.  This did not come as a shock to me because I knew that they would probably have to make a change.  They have been very kind and are giving me until the end of the year (if needed) to find a new position somewhere else.  In the mean time, I will continue to lead the children and teens at our church to the best of my ability.  They are awesome kids and teens and I will miss them, but I am blessed that I got to be a part of the their lives for the past two years and 8 months.

As I look toward the future, at this point, I do not know where I will end up or how quickly a position will open, but I am looking forward to my new assignment and trust that the Lord will open the right door to the right place at just the right time.  He is faithful and I trust Him implicitly.

So, I guess a garage sale is in my future as I start to pack things up.   God is good, all the time.  It is so good to know that though, I do not always know where my life is leading, I know without a doubt Who is leading my life...and I am content to follow His lead.

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